Presidential Inaugural Elitism Entertainer Wordsmith of Gaff*
Conservative Republican Stalworths Democrat Duplicity of Greed and Corruption*
Politicians, Police and Judges of Human Oppression*
Failure to Reconstitute Government for the People's Rights, Liberty, Justice For All*
Continual Economic Melt Down of Job Lost, Tarps Bail Outs *
Capitalist Greed as Usual the status quo *
Stimulus Grants Appropriations for Transportation, Infra Structure Construction, Education, Health Care at status quo levels *
White American Racial Ideological voids of Greed Preservation *
Black Middle Class False Pride Delusions of Preservation Hypocrisy *
Hispanic Migrant Workers Nafta Amnesty Settlement Agreements *
Foreign Policy Agreements of Pacification of Non Agreements *
Human Rights Policies to No Where or No One *
War Policies Escalations in Afghanistan, Taliban, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran *
Pandemic escalation of viral flu, Toxins, Famine, Genocide, and unknown plagues *